Welcome to our Blog

Follow the progress of our intrepid volunteers who are restoring homes in hurricane devastated New Orleans, Louisiana. Family and friends are encouraged to send comments that will be shared with mission team.


Final Work Day!!!

Work Crew on final day at Eagle Street.

Interior of gutted home at Fig Street. This House is called a Shot Gun Home Duplex due to the dimensions being 12'X94'!

Homes being redeveloped in the 9th Ward by Brad Pitt's organization. http://www.makeitrightnola.org/

Another home that has been redeveloped in the 9th Ward.

Brand new levees built after Hurricane Katrina. The homes rebuilt above are just on the other side.

Fig street crew hanging outside Musicians Village. (Habitat for Humanity development in the 9th Ward) http://www.nolamusiciansvillage.org/about/

Larry working with Henry from Americore to discuss what color his house should be painted when he returns back to Northville.

More pictures to come later tonight....

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